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The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, co-written with novelist Diane Johnson, and starring Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd.
The film is based on the Stephen King novel The Shining. A writer, Jack Torrance, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel. His young son possesses psychic abilities and is able to see things from the past and future, such as the ghosts who inhabit the hotel.
Soon after settling in, the family is trapped in the hotel by a snowstorm, and Jack gradually becomes influenced by a supernatural presence; he descends into madness and attempts to murder his wife and son.
Unlike previous Kubrick films, which developed an audience gradually by building on word-of-mouth, The Shining was released as a mass-market film, opening at first in just two cities on Memorial Day, then nationwide a month later. Although initial response to the film was mixed, later critical assessment was more favorable and it is now viewed as a classic of the horror genre.
Film director Martin Scorsese, writing in The Daily Beast, ranked it as one of the 11 scariest horror movies of all time. Film critics, film students, and Kubrick's producer, Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence the film has had on popular culture.
The initial European release of The Shining was 25 minutes shorter than the American version, achieved by removing most of the scenes taking place outside the environs of the hotel.
1 | caretaker | ḱɛrt̀eɪkɚ | 名 | 世話人、管理人、番人 A writer, Jack Torrance, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel. 作家のジャック・トランスは、孤立したホテルのオフシーズンの管理人として仕事を得る。 |
2 | isolated | άɪsəlèɪtid | 形 | 孤立した (動)isolate 孤立させる |
3 | possess | pəzés | 動 | 所有する、(能力などを)持つ His young son possesses psychic abilities 彼の若い息子は超能力を持っている。 |
4 | psychic | sάɪkɪk | 形 | 超能力のある、心霊の |
5 | inhabit | ɪnhˈæbɪt | 動 | 住む、居住する、宿る the ghosts who inhabit the hotel. そのホテルに宿る怨霊 |
6 | gradually | grˈædʒuəli | 副 | 徐々に、次第に Jack gradually becomes influenced by a supernatural presence ジャックは次第に超自然的な霊によって誘導されるようになる。 |
7 | presence | prézns | 名 | 1.存在、現存 2.出席、参列 3.配備、配置 4.面前、人前 5.風采、態度 6.霊、霊気 |
8 | descend | dɪsénd | 動 | 1.(高い所から)下る、下りる 2.(土地・性質などが)伝わる 3.身を落とす 4.急襲する、押しかける、見舞う he descends into madness and attempts to murder his wife and son. 彼は狂気に陥り、彼の妻と息子を殺すことを企てる。 |
9 | attempt | ətém(p)t | 動 | 試みる、企てる |
10 | Unlike | `ʌnlάɪk | 前 | ・・・と違って、・・・らしくなく Unlike previous Kubrick films 以前のキューブリック映画とは違い・・・ |
11 | nationwide | ńeɪʃənẃaɪd | 形 | 全国的な then nationwide a month later. |
12 | assessment | əsésmənt | 名 | 評価、査定 later critical assessment was more favorable 後の批評家の評価はより良いものだった。 |
13 | remark | rɪmάɚk | 動 | ・・・だと言う、認める (名)remark 批評、注意、注目 (形)remarkable 注目すべき Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence ジャン・ハランは、すごく大きな影響だと感想を述べた。 |
14 | enormous | ɪnˈɔɚməs | 形 | 巨大な、莫大な |
15 | achieve | ətʃíːv | 成し遂げる、(功績を)立てる、(名声を)博す the American version, achieved by removing most of the scenes アメリカバージョンは、シーンの多くを取り除くことで目的を遂げた。 | |
16 | remove | rɪmúːv | 動 | 1.取り除く 2.移動させる 3.(仕事など)辞めさせる |
17 | environs | ɪnvάɪ(ə)rənz | 名 | 近郊、郊外 the scenes taking place outside the environs of the hotel ホテルの近郊の外で起こるシーン |
18 | set in | 連 | 始まる、起こる、広がりだす Soon after settling in, the family is trapped in the hotel by a snowstorm (ホテルでの生活を)始めた後まもなく、家族は吹雪によってホテルに閉じ込められる。 | |
19 | be trapped in | 連 | 罠にかかる ある状態にすっかり身を置く ・・・に閉じ込められる | |
20 | word-of-mouth | 連 | 口頭の、口伝えの by building on word-of-mouth 噂の広まりによる(口伝えによる噂の構築) | |
21 | remark on | 連 | ・・・の感想を述べる。 | |
22 | take place | 連 | (事件などが)起こる、(行事などが)行われる |
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