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ゴーストバスターズ |
The Ghostbusters are brought to the mayor's office and freed in order to combat the paranormal activity, but are unable to prevent the arrival of Gozer, who initially appears as a woman (Slavitza Jovan). Briefly subdued by the team, Gozer disappears, but her voice echoes that the "destructor" will follow, taking a form chosen by the team.
Venkman, holding that this means that whatever they imagine will appear as a destroying force, urges his comrades to avoid giving form to the destructor by clearing their minds.
Unable to keep his mind blank, Stantz remembers a beloved corporate mascot from childhood, "something that could never, ever possibly destroy us," whereupon the destructor arrives in Stantz's chosen form of the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and begins laying waste to the city.
To defeat this manifestation, the team decides to merge the energy streams of their proton packs (against which they were advised earlier in the film) while directing these against Gozer's entrance.
The plan succeeds, banishing Gozer back to whence it came, sealing the gateway between the worlds, and destroying the Marshmallow Man in a single explosion. Soon thereafter, Dana and Louis are freed from the ashen remains of their possessors.
As hundreds of New Yorkers wipe the melted marshmallow goo from their brows, the Ghostbusters are applauded by the city's population.
1 | blueprint | ˈbluːˌprɪnt | 名 | 青写真、(詳細な)計画 |
2 | summon | sˈʌmən | 動 | 召喚する、呼び出す ※salmon [sˈæmən] (名) サケ |
3 | subdue | səbd(j)úː | 動 | 征服する、鎮圧する |
4 | comrade | kάmræd | 名 | (苦労を共にしてくれるような)仲間 |
5 | proton | próʊtɑn | 名 | 陽子、プロトン |
6 | whence | (h)wéns | 副 | どこから |
7 | ashen | ˈæʃən | 形 | 灰色の、青白い |
8 | goo | gúː | 名 | ねばつくもの、べたべたした甘い言葉 |
9 | combat | kəmbˈæt, kάmbæt | 動 名 | 戦う 戦闘 |
10 | initially | ɪníʃəli | 副 | 初めのうちは、最初のうち |
11 | briefly | bríːfli | 副 | 簡単に、手短に |
12 | whatever | (h)wɑṭévɚ | 代 | ・・・するものは何でも |
13 | urge | ˈɚːdʒ | 動 | 駆り立てる、追い立てる、急がせる |
14 | beloved | bəlˈʌvɪd | 形 | いとしい、可愛い |
15 | mascot | mˈæskɑt | 名 | マスコット、縁起の良いもの、人 |
16 | whereupon | (h)wé(ə)rəpὰn | 接 | ぞうすると、すると(すぐ) |
17 | marshmallow | mάɚʃmèloʊ | 名 | マシュマロ |
18 | lay | léɪ | 動 | 横たえる lay - laid - laid |
19 | waste | wéɪst | 名 | 1.浪費、無駄遣い 2.老廃物、廃棄物 (動)浪費する、無駄にする ※waist [wéɪst] 腰 |
20 | defeat | dɪfíːt | 動 | (敵・相手を)破る、負かす |
21 | manifestation | m`ænəfəstéɪʃən | 名 | 1.明示、表明 2.(政治)示威行動 3.(幽霊の)出現 |
22 | merge | mˈɚːdʒ | 動 | 1.併合する 2.溶け込ませる |
23 | explosion | ɪksplóʊʒən | 名 | 爆発、爆音 |
24 | thereafter | ðèɚˈæftɚ | 副 | その後は、それ以来 |
25 | possessor | pəzésɚ | 名 | 所有者、占有者 |
26 | melt | mélt | 動 | 溶ける、溶解する |
27 | brow | brάʊ | 名 | 1、まゆ毛 2.表情 3.がけっぷち |
28 | applaud | əplˈɔːd | 動 | 拍手喝采する |
ツタヤネットレンタル お試し無料1ヶ月
映画のある毎日を WOWOW ネット手続きなら割引があってお得!
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