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ドラゴン・タトゥーの女 |
1.accolade 栄誉、称賛
2.libel 文書誹毀(罪)
3.decipher 謎を解読する
4.incompetency 無能
5.dildo 張形、淫具
6.antisemite 反ユダヤ主義者
7.brag 自慢する
8.deduce 演繹(えんえき)する、推測する
9.disguise 変装、偽装
10.discard 処分する
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 American mystery thriller film. Based on the Swedish novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson, the film adaptation was directed by David Fincher and written by Steven Zaillian.
The film stars Daniel Craig(image) and Rooney Mara(image) and tells the story of journalist Mikael Blomkvist's (Craig) investigation to find out what happened to a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared forty years ago. He works with the help of computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (Mara).
Sony Pictures Entertainment began development on the film in 2009. It took the company a few months to obtain rights to the novel, during which they recruited Zaillian and Fincher. The casting process for the lead roles was exhaustive and intense; Craig initially faced scheduling conflicts, while a number of actresses were sought the role of Lisbeth Salander.
The film's script took over six months to write, which included three months of analyzing the novel. With a production budget of $90 million, filming took place in Sweden, Switzerland and Norway over seven months.
Pre-release screenings occurred in London, New York City, and Stockholm. Critics positively reviewed the film, applauding its dark, grim tone. Mara and Craig's performances were also praised by commentators.
The film grossed $232.6 million over its theatrical run. In addition to being included in the best-of lists in several publications, the film was a candidate for numerous awards, ultimately winning seven accolades including an Academy Award for Best Film Editing.
Journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), co-owner of Millennium magazine, has just lost a libel case brought against him by corrupt businessman Hans-Erik Wennerström (Ulf Friberg). Meanwhile, Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a damaged but brilliant researcher and computer hacker, compiles an extensive background check on Blomkvist for business magnate Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer), who has a special task for him.
In exchange for the promise of damning information about Wennerström, Blomkvist agrees to investigate the disappearance and assumed murder of Henrik's grandniece, Harriet, 40 years before. After moving to the Vanger family's compound, Blomkvist uncovers a notebook containing a list of names and numbers that no one has been able to decipher.
Salander, who is under state legal guardianship due to mental incompetency, is appointed a new guardian, lawyer Nils Bjurman (Yorick van Wageningen), after her previous guardian has a stroke. Bjurman abuses his authority to extort sexual favors from Salander and then violently rapes her, not realizing she has a hidden video camera in her bag. At their next meeting, she stuns him with a Taser, rapes him with a dildo, and marks him as a rapist with a tattoo on his chest and stomach; she then blackmails him into writing her a glowing progress report.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 American mystery thriller film. Based on the Swedish novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson, the film adaptation was directed by David Fincher and written by Steven Zaillian.
The film stars Daniel Craig(image) and Rooney Mara(image) and tells the story of journalist Mikael Blomkvist's (Craig) investigation to find out what happened to a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared forty years ago. He works with the help of computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (Mara).
Sony Pictures Entertainment began development on the film in 2009. It took the company a few months to obtain rights to the novel, during which they recruited Zaillian and Fincher. The casting process for the lead roles was exhaustive and intense; Craig initially faced scheduling conflicts, while a number of actresses were sought the role of Lisbeth Salander.
The film's script took over six months to write, which included three months of analyzing the novel. With a production budget of $90 million, filming took place in Sweden, Switzerland and Norway over seven months.
Pre-release screenings occurred in London, New York City, and Stockholm. Critics positively reviewed the film, applauding its dark, grim tone. Mara and Craig's performances were also praised by commentators.
The film grossed $232.6 million over its theatrical run. In addition to being included in the best-of lists in several publications, the film was a candidate for numerous awards, ultimately winning seven accolades including an Academy Award for Best Film Editing.
Journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), co-owner of Millennium magazine, has just lost a libel case brought against him by corrupt businessman Hans-Erik Wennerström (Ulf Friberg). Meanwhile, Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a damaged but brilliant researcher and computer hacker, compiles an extensive background check on Blomkvist for business magnate Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer), who has a special task for him.
In exchange for the promise of damning information about Wennerström, Blomkvist agrees to investigate the disappearance and assumed murder of Henrik's grandniece, Harriet, 40 years before. After moving to the Vanger family's compound, Blomkvist uncovers a notebook containing a list of names and numbers that no one has been able to decipher.
Salander, who is under state legal guardianship due to mental incompetency, is appointed a new guardian, lawyer Nils Bjurman (Yorick van Wageningen), after her previous guardian has a stroke. Bjurman abuses his authority to extort sexual favors from Salander and then violently rapes her, not realizing she has a hidden video camera in her bag. At their next meeting, she stuns him with a Taser, rapes him with a dildo, and marks him as a rapist with a tattoo on his chest and stomach; she then blackmails him into writing her a glowing progress report.
Blomkvist's daughter visits him and notes that the numbers from the notebook are Bible references. Blomkvist tells Vanger's lawyer Dirch Frode (Steven Berkoff) that he needs help with his research, and Frode recommends Salander based on the work she did researching Blomkvist himself.
Blomkvist hires Salander to further investigate the notebook's content. She uncovers a connection to a series of murders of young women that occurred from 1947 through 1967, with the women either being Jewish or having Biblical names; many of the Vangers are known antisemites.
During the investigation, Salander and Blomkvist become lovers. Henrik's brother Harald (Per Myrberg) identifies Martin (Stellan Skarsgård), Harriet's brother and operational head of the Vanger empire, as a possible suspect. Salander's research uncovers evidence that Martin and his deceased father, Gottfried, had committed the murders.
Blomkvist breaks into Martin's house to look for more clues, but Martin catches him and prepares to kill him. Martin brags about having killed women for decades, but denies killing Harriet. Salander arrives, subdues Martin and saves Blomkvist. While Salander tends to Blomkvist, Martin flees. Salander, on her motorcycle, pursues Martin in his SUV. He loses control of his vehicle on an icy road and dies when it catches fire.
Salander nurses Blomkvist back to health, and tells him that she tried to kill her father when she was 12. After recovering, Blomkvist deduces that Harriet is still alive and her cousin Anita (Joely Richardson) likely knows where she is. He and Salander monitor Anita, waiting for her to contact Harriet. When nothing happens, Blomkvist confronts her, correctly deducing Anita is Harriet herself.
She explains that her father and brother had sexually abused her for years, and that Martin saw her kill their father in self-defense. Her cousin Anita smuggled her out of the island and let her live under her identity. Finally free of her brother, she returns to Sweden and tearfully reunites with Henrik.
As promised, Henrik gives Blomkvist the information on Wennerström, but it proves to be worthless. Salander hacks into Wennerström's computer and presents Blomkvist with damning evidence of Wennerström's crimes. Blomkvist publishes an article which ruins Wennerström, who flees the country. Salander hacks into Wennerström's bank accounts and, travelling to Switzerland in disguise, transfers two billion euros to various accounts.
Wennerström is soon found murdered. Salander reveals to her former guardian that she is in love with Blomkvist. On her way to give Blomkvist a Christmas present, however, Salander sees him and his longtime lover and business partner Erika Berger (Robin Wright) walking together happily. Heartbroken, she discards the gift and rides away.
1日目 11/12(月)

1 | accolade | ˈækəlèɪd |
| 栄誉、称賛 ultimately winning seven accolades including an Academy Award for Best Film Editing. 最終的には、アカデミー編集賞を含む7つの賞を獲得。 |
2 | Swedish | swíːdɪʃ ○スウィーディシュ ×スウェーデン |
| スウェーデンの、スウェーデン人の ※ Sweden [swíːdn] スウェーデン 首都 Stockholm [stάkhoʊ(l)m] |
3 | wealthy | wélθi |
| 裕福な、富裕な wealthy family 裕福な家庭 |
4 | disappear | dìsəpíɚ |
| 見えなくなる、姿を消す、失踪する a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared forty years ago. 40年前に行方不明になった裕福な家庭の女性 |
5 | hacker | h́ækɚ |
| 1.荒っぽく切る人 2.ハッカー ※ hack [hˈæk] (動) ぶった切る、たたき切る He works with the help of computer hacker Lisbeth Salander 彼はリスベット・サランデルと共に(助けを借りて)働く。 |
6 | obtain | əbtéɪn |
| 得る、手に入れる |
7 | exhaustive | ɪgzˈɔːstɪv |
| 徹底的な、余すところのない ※exhaust [ɪgzˈɔːst] (動)使い尽くす、疲れはてる (名)排気ガス |
8 | intense | ɪnténs |
| 1.(光・温度など)激しい 2.(感情など)熱烈な |
9 | initially | ɪníʃəli |
| 初めのうちは ※initial [ɪníʃəl] (形)初めの、語頭の(にある) (名)頭文字、イニシャル |
10 | conflict | kάnflɪkt |
| 論争、争い、衝突 |
11 | sought | sˈɔːt | seek - sought - sought 探す、捜し求める | |
12 | script | skrípt |
| 台本、脚本 (動)台本を書く |
13 | analyze | ˈænəlὰɪz |
| 分析する、分解する |
14 | Switzerland | swítsɚlənd |
| スイス |
14 | Norway | nˈɔɚweɪ |
| ノルウェー |
15 | occur | əkˈɚː |
| 起こる、生じる、発生する |
16 | Stockholm | stάkhoʊ(l)m |
| ストックホルム(スウェーデンの首都) |
17 | grim | grím |
| (表情など)いかめしい 恐ろしい、ぞっとする ※ a grim face いかめしい顔 |
18 | theatrical | θiˈætrɪk(ə)l |
| 劇場の、劇の |
19 | candidate | kˈændɪdèɪt |
| 候補者、志願者 多分・・・しそうな人 |
20 | numerous | n(j)úːm(ə)rəs |
| 多数の、おびただしい |
21 | ultimately | ́ʌltəmətli |
| 最後に、遂に、結局 |
22 | take over |
| 引き継ぐ、引き取る | |
23 | take place |
| (事件などが)起こる (催しなど)行われる | |
24 | $90 million |
| ninety million 9、000万ドル =約72億円 | |
25 | $232.6 million |
| 2 hundred thirty two.six million 2億3千2百60万ドル =約186億円 |
2日目 11/13(火)

3日目 11/14(水)
4日目 11/15(木)

ツタヤネットレンタル お試し無料1ヶ月
映画のある毎日を WOWOW ネット手続きなら割引があってお得!
1 | libel | lάɪb(ə)l | 名 | 文書誹毀(ひき)罪、(文字・絵画による)侮辱、名誉毀損 sue a person for libel 文書誹毀で人を訴える |
2 | decipher | dɪsάɪfɚ | 動 | 謎を解読する Blomkvist uncovers a notebook containing a list of names and numbers that no one has been able to decipher. ブルムクヴィストは、誰も解読することができなかった名前のリストやナンバーを含むノートを明らかにする。 |
3 | incompetency | ìnkάmpətnsi | 名 | =incompentence 無能、不適格、無資格 |
4 | dildo | díldoʊ | 名 | 張形(はりかた)、陰茎の形をした淫具。 A dildo is a sex toy, often explicitly phallic in appearance, intended for bodily penetration during masturbation or sex with partners. ディルドはセックスのおもちゃで、たいてい見た目は男根の形をしている。自慰やパートナーとの性交の際に肉体に挿入するために使う。 explicitly [ɪkspĺɪsətli] はっきりと、明白に phallic [fˈælɪk] 男根の in appearance 見たところ intend [ɪnténd] ・・・するつもりである intend for ・・・を(ある目的に)向けようとする penetration [pènətréɪʃən]浸透、めり込み masturbation [m`æstɚbéɪʃən] 自慰 phallic worship 男根崇拝 男神が支配する宗教は男根を崇めたそうだ。日本でも生殖器を象った大きな造形物を祭る習慣がある地域が今もなおあるようだ。子供は連れて行けないな・・・。 生殖器崇拝 |
5 | corrupt | kərˈʌpt | 形 | 1.a (道徳的に)墜落した、頽廃した、邪悪な b 賄賂の 2.原形が損なわれた、間違いの多い。 (動)墜落させる、(賄賂で)買収する |
6 | compile | kəmpάɪl | 動 | (資料や書物を)集める |
7 | extensive | ɪksténsɪv | 形 | 広い、広範囲な |
8 | damning | dˈæmɪŋ | 形 | 罪を免れない、破壊的な damn (動) 永遠に罰する、酷評する |
9 | assume | əs(j)úːm | 動 | (証拠はないが)事実だと思い込む、決めてかかる |
10 | grandniece | grˈændniːs | 名 | 甥、姪の娘、(兄弟・姉妹の)孫娘 |
11 | compound | kάmpɑʊnd | 名 | 1.混合物 2.囲いのある場所 (動)[kɑmpάʊnd] 混ぜ合わせる |
12 | guardian | gάɚdiən | 名 | 1.保護者、監視者 2.(未成年の)後見人 |
13 | stroke | stróʊk | 脳卒中 ※打つこと、打撃、一撃の意から | |
14 | abuse | əbjúːz | 動 | 1.乱用する、悪用する 2.虐待する |
15 | extort | ɪkstˈɔɚt | 動 | (人から)奪い取る、ゆすり取る |
16 | favor | féɪvɚ | 名 | 行為、親切 |
17 | violently | vάɪələntli | 副 | 激しく、猛烈に、手荒に |
18 | hidden | hídn | 動 | hide 「隠す」の過去分詞形 hide - hid - hid or hidden |
19 | stun | stˈʌn | 動 | 気絶させる、気を失わせる |
20 | blackmail | bĺækm̀eɪl | 動 | ゆする、恐喝する (名)ゆすり、恐喝 |
21 | In exchange for | 連 | ~と引き換えに、交換に |
3日目 11/14(水)
1 | antisemite | ˈænṭisemɑɪt |
| 反ユダヤ主義者 semite [sémɑɪt] セム人の、ユダヤ人の |
2 | brag | brˈæg |
| 自慢する (名)自慢 |
3 | note | nóʊt |
| 書き留める、言及する |
4 | further | fˈɚːðɚ |
| さらに遠く、もっと先に さらに遠い、もっと先の |
5 | uncover | ʌnkˈʌvɚ |
| 1.ふたを取る 2.帽子を脱ぐ 3.暴露する |
6 | identify | ɑɪdénṭəfὰɪ |
| 1.確認する、見分ける、身元を確認する 2.同一視する 3.行動を共にする、提携する |
7 | operational | ὰpəréɪʃ(ə)nəl |
| 操作上の、経営上の |
8 | deceased | dɪsíːsd |
| 死亡した decease (名)死亡 (動)死ぬ ※間違えやすい単語 decrease [dɪkríːs] 減少する |
9 | commit | kəmít |
| 1.受託する 2.引き受ける、コミットする、傾倒する、専心する 3.(罪・過失などを)犯す |
10 | clue | klúː |
| 手がかり、糸口 |
11 | subdue | səbd(j)úː |
| 征服する、鎮圧する |
12 | flee | flíː |
| 逃げる、逃走する flee - fled - fled |
13 | pursue | pəs(j)úː |
| 1.追う、追跡する 2.ひつこく悩ます 3.従事する、続行する |
14 | icy | άɪsi |
| 氷の、氷で覆われた |
15 | break into |
| 侵入する、邪魔に入る | |
16 | prepare to |
| ・・・する準備をする | |
17 | tend to |
| ・・・しやすい、しがちである | |
18 | catch fire |
| 1.火がつく 2.興奮する、熱狂する |
1 | deduce | dɪd(j)úːs | 動 | 演繹(えんえき)する、推論する、推測する Blomkvist deduces that Harriet is still alive ブルムクヴィストは、ハリエットがまだ生きていると推測する。 |
2 | disguise | dɪsgάɪz | 名 動 | 変装、偽装 変装する、偽装する travelling to Switzerland in disguise. 変装してスイスへ行く(旅立つ) |
3 | discard | dɪskάɚd | (不要なものと)捨てる、処分する she discards the gift and rides away. 彼女はプレゼントを捨てて走り去る。 | |
4 | nurse | nˈɚːs | 動 名 | 看病する、労わる 看護人 Salander nurses Blomkvist back to health サランデル(R・マーラ)はブルムクヴィストが良くなるように看病する。 |
5 | likely | lάɪkli | 副 | おそらく、多分 her cousin Anita likely knows where she is. 彼女のいとこアニタは、おそらく彼女がどこにいるか知っている。 ※形容詞の likely 1.ありそうな、起こりそうな、もっともらしい a likely consequence 起こりそうな結果。 the fugitive's most likely hiding place その逃亡者が最も隠れそうな場所。 the least likely possibility およそありそうにないこと. 2.・・・しそうで、・・・らしくて He's likely to come. 彼はやってきそうだ。 = It is likely (that) he will come. It's likely to be cold there in November. あそこは 11 月は寒くなりそうだ。 There's not likely to be much traffic tonight. 今晩は交通も激しくないだろう。 It is not likely that he should have written it. どうも彼がそれを書いたとは思えない。 3.適当な、お誂(あつら)え向きの I called at every likely house. 心当たりの家は皆訪ねた。 He looked a likely man for the job. 彼はその仕事にはあつらえ向きの男のように思えた。 I could not find any likely place to fish near there. その辺に釣りのできそうな所が見当たらなかった。 4.見込みのある、有望な a likely young man 頼もしい青年 ※一緒に覚えておきたい単語 likelihood [lάɪklih`ʊd] (名)ありそうなこと、見込み ⇔ unlikelihood ありそうにないこと |
6 | monitor | mάnəṭɚ | 動 | 絶えず監視する He and Salander monitor Anita. 彼とカランデルはアニタを監視する |
7 | confront | kənfrˈʌnt | 動 | 1.立ち向かう、直面する 2.向かい合う 3.対比する、比較する Blomkvist confronts her. ブルムクヴィストは彼女(アニタ)と対面する。 |
8 | correctly | kəréktli | 副 | 正確に、正しく correctly deducing Anita is Harriet herself. アニタがハリエット自身であると正確に推測する |
9 | smuggle | smˈʌgl | 1.密輸入する 2.秘密に持ち込む Her cousin Anita smuggled her out of the island 彼女のいとこアニタは彼女を島の外へこっそり出した。 | |
11 | tearfully | tíɚf(ə)li | 泣きながら、涙ながらに she returns to Sweden and tearfully reunites with Henrik. 彼女はスウェーデンに戻り、涙ながらにヘンリックと再会する。 | |
12 | reunite | rìːjuːnάɪt | 動 | 再会させる、再結合させる ※例文 Father and child were reunited after ten years of separation. 父と子は 10 年ぶりに再会した。 |
13 | damn | dˈæm | 形 動 | どんでもない、ひどい 人を永遠に罰する、地獄に落とす presents Blomkvist with damning evidence of Wennerström's crimes. ヴェンネルストレムの犯罪の動かぬ証拠をブルムクヴィストに提出する。 |
14 | ruin | rúːɪn | 動 名 | 破滅させる 破滅 Blomkvist publishes an article which ruins Wennerström. ブルムクヴィストはヴェンネルストレムを破滅させる記事を出版する。 |
15 | flee | flíː | 動 | 逃げる、逃走する flees the country 国を逃れる |
16 | reveal | rɪvíːl | 動 | 明かす、明らかにする Salander reveals to her former guardian that she is in love with Blomkvist. サランデルは、彼女の前の後見人に、ブルムクヴィストに恋していることを打ち明ける。 |
17 | two billion euros | 連 | 20億ユーロ |
ツタヤネットレンタル お試し無料1ヶ月
映画のある毎日を WOWOW ネット手続きなら割引があってお得!
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